This was a big day. Huge day! For months and weeks and then in the final days, M has been working on launching a new product for IBM. This was the big demo day in Las Vegas. I dropped J off at preschool and raced home to watch the live feed. Just before the demo my feed cut off and I was livid! I'd sat through boring speeches and the moment I waited for I was cut off! Luckily it came back just in time for me to catch most of the demo. It went off without a hitch and I found myself holding my breath and tense. I was sooo happy for him! After countless sleepless nights and early morning alarm clocks the moment came and went and not only that, it was AWESOME!
Back on the home front I had to find a sitter to watch the other two boys so I could take this guy to his first Reconciliation. He is a nervous one and despite all the practice we'd done in the classroom I was afraid he was going to shut down on me. He proved me wrong and did so well! We celebrated with sushi in bed when we got home...just the two of us. :)
Well lookie here! Brother came home with one too! I'm not sure if it counts as kindness when you look at your brother with and smirky "I got one too!" look.
And to celebrate everyone having a great week we all went to Mighty Fine. :)
Yay! M's boss gave him Thursday and Friday off after several weeks of who knows how many hours of work. It was so nice to see him smiling and kicking back again.
It's something we've been talking about doing for quite some time now. We rode our bikes about two miles to get custard. The boys were thrilled! Austin wasn't as excited because the bees kept chasing him. I think it was the fluorescent yellow shorts - they thought he was a beautiful flower. Either way, he is pretty sweet!
Another freeze headed our way! Poor flowers and insects are all sorts of confused!
Yup, saw this one coming. He doesn't complain about his ear until there is a true infection in there. The doctor was surprised at how well he seemed to be doing considering the red ick he had in there. He was his usual chatterbox.
Like I said, we're all confused around here!!
I may have a problem. We have books coming out of everywhere around here. Most of them are my collection from when I taught but now the boys really love all of them. And I can never say no when they want a new book so our collection has turned into an obsession. More of a "how do I control these things?" kind of obsession.
It's FRI-DAY! It's the first day of spring break! We have no plans, we can do whatever we want, we can lay like broccoli if we want. Yay for spring break!
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