Monday, February 24

Welita's Casa

It's been a standing tradition as long as I can remember.  We arrive at noon.  We eat beans, rice, meat, salad and a dessert.  We visit outside.  We go home until the next Sunday rolls around and we repeat.  This past weekend we changed the routine.  We took pictures.  Welita wanted one with her great grandchildren so we took one...

We won't tell you what Uncle Mike was doing. ;)  The kids loved it, Welita....well, Welita was in shock.  So I had to photo shop her face...

Then everyone had to get in a picture with Welita.  So we started with some mature adults.

But then we realized there were two more of her kiddos in the house so we made them leave whatever they were watching on TV to come take a picture...with teeth showing!  There's a nice spot on Uncle Gabe's knee that looks a little lonely.  We'll put Uncle Carlos there next time.

And then my mom wanted one of Uncle Tom alone.  But he didn't help...

So instead we took a family picture.  But not one of those 'stuffy everyone look at the camera, sit tall and say cheese pictures'.  No, this is more of a 'foot in my butt crack' kind of picture.

And my parents took a 'foot in my crotch' kind of picture.

But the best was this one...

Poor, poor Kimmie.  M took a pic of me back in December and I printed out a 4x6 and gave it to my parents.  They have it framed and sitting on the mantel.  But no picture of Kimmie.  I tried putting her wedding portrait up there but she didn't like that.  So I took one of poor Kimmie and now I will print it (slightly bigger than mine so she can't get her panties in a knot).  Now she too will have a place on the mantel.  Yay, Kimmie!!

1 comment:

Bev Ochoa said...

What beautiful memories and STILL laughing every time I see these pictures.