Monday, February 24

Weekly Pictures

While the big boys are at school, I'm the only other choice for a playmate.  This day it was many rounds of Sneaky, Snacky Squirrel.  Lucky me!

Yes, it's been a while since I've worn these babies.  Now that the weather is warming up I decided it was time to pound some pavement alone.  It's gonna be almost like starting over but not quite as bad as I thought.

The big boys have enjoyed riding up and down the hill near our house.  I don't mind but it makes me nervous with the cars and stop sign next to us.  Cars tend to 'pause' instead of stop.  This was me standing guard over my ducklings...and a few of the neighborhood kids.   

Last June we started the boys in piano lessons.  I've always loved the piano and I can read both clefts, but I have no idea how to play.  I asked around a found a teacher just a couple of miles from us.  She's been fantastic and both boys love going to lessons.  They have both made great strides and I've found both of them tinkering on the keyboard and trying to figure out songs they hear on the radio.  With You Tube there are so many videos of  people showing you how to play different songs.  So far I've heard Gangham Style and Radioactive plunked out. :)  I hope they grow up with a love of music like I did.

This was awesome.  :)  Friday A jumped in the car all excited about his free cheeseburger.  When Z piped up and said, "I didn't get a free cheeseburger!" there was silence in the car.  A said, "Your teacher didn't give you one?"  Z replied, "No."  Again, silence.  We figured out that each teacher was given a few awards to hand out so not all students received one.  Later that night when M got home, A came running up to him waving his certificate and meal ticket.  He waved it under M's nose and said, "Look what I got!  Z didn't get one."  I muffled a snort and thought, 'way to show kindness, kid.'    

I hadn't taken the boys to visit family in a while so this past weekend we loaded up and made a trip down south.  We went to dinner at BJ's and enjoyed some good laughs.

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