Wednesday, March 20

Ticker Time

When J was born the pediatrician heard a heart murmur.  We didn't worry about it and every now and then he can still hear it - especially when he's sick.  At his well-check he decided we should get it checked out just to be sure it really is innocent as he suspects.  So in addition to the dentist appointment I scheduled after that well-check, I also scheduled a visit to a pediatric cardiologist.  Yesterday was the big day.

When we walked in the waiting room J was thrilled!  The waiting room was painted like we were under the ocean, Toy Story was playing on the TV and toys were lined up against the wall.  This time when his name was called he wasn't quite as excited.

The nurse took his blood pressure with a teeny tiny cuff and then she set him up for his EKG.

He was such a good sport about it!  He wasn't thrilled he still had stickers on when she left but it gave him something to do and entertained him for a bit so I was thrilled.

The practice was recommended by our pediatrician.  When I asked if there was one doctor in particular we should try to see he said, "No.  They're all good."  Since I wanted to get J in as soon as possible we took whatever appointment we could and ended up with whatever doctor they gave us.  The doctor was sooo nice!  He listened to J's heart laying down, on his side, arms up, sitting up, standing up and any other way he could.  Then he said based on his EKG numbers and what he was hearing he wanted to make sure everything lined up so he wanted to do an echo cardiogram.

Results:  His heart murmur is innocent as we suspected.  We do not need to go back and he said it's so innocent we don't ever have to mention it on a camp form or to any one at all.  Two and a half hours after we first walked in the door we were able to walk out.  I had piece of mind knowing that his heart murmur truly is "innocent" and J had a cool toy airplane from the toy chest.  I'd call that a success!

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