Tuesday, August 23

Back to School!

It's that time of year again!! We've had a busy summer and it has flown by that I can hardly believe it's time to get in the school routine again.

Last Thursday night we met the teachers that will shape and mold our big boys. I hadn't worried about it all summer but by Wednesday I was feeling a bit anxious. Had I written enough on the forms I filled out to give to the office (placement forms)? Did I use the right lingo? Would they honor my requests?

By Thursday afternoon I was more excited to find out the teachers than the boys! We loaded up in the car and drove to the school.

First we went to the kinder hallway. This is the one I was most eager to find out. I didn't even scan all the lists. I went straight to the one I was hoping for and let out a little yelp. Our A is a Guppy this year!! He got Mrs. A...the same teacher Z had two years ago!! Yippeeeee!!

Then we made our way to the second grade classes. For Z I requested that he be in the same class with the other Quest kids so I left the teacher up to the school staff. He has Ms. N and she seems fantastic! She is very easy going, energetic and made us feel at ease from the minute we met her.

Sunday night we set out our clothes, made lunches and packed our backpacks. Both boys seemed excited but inside I was a little nervous about A. Not because he's going off to kinder but more because I was afraid it was going to be a major ordeal/meltdown in the morning.

Monday morning started off great...I was even a little optimistic. ;) Who seems more excited to you? Exhibit A...

Or Exhibit B:

Yes, just this morning (Day 2), Exhibit B asked why school doesn't start at 10:00. Trust me buddy, I WISH!

On time (yes, still Day 1) we made our way out the door to get those obligatory school pictures. Look at how big my boys are!

Yup, still excited! Mommy still keeping her fingers crossed...

Off to school with all the other kids, flowers in hand for the teachers.

Poor little J. He was pulled out of bed early, had his clothes changed and a milk cup shoved in his hand. He was not excited.

A was so sure of where to go, he led the pack all the way to his classroom...I loved it!

So how did he do? GREAT!! We put all of his stuff away, he sat down to color and we walked out...leaving our kindergartner behind.

And Z? He's an old pro. We walked him to his class, he put his stuff away, gave us knuckle bombs and we walked out...leaving our second grader behind.

That day both came home with the biggest smiles I've seen in a long time. They had "super fun" and "AWESOME!" days. A told me, "Mommy, you don't have to walk me in tomorrow. You can just take me to the car line." Well ok then!

We definitely had an angel watching over us making sure we got super great teachers...it's gonna be an AWESOME year. ;)

1 comment:

twiceasnice said...

i don't know if i'm an angel, but i do think those boys of yours are pretty amazing and i want them to have the best teachers in the world if they can! loved the pics!