Sunday, August 28

Each Man For Himself

We've got a lot going on around this house so sometimes you just have to fend for yourself. No one knows this better than J. Our new house (yes, we've moved) has the lever type of door knobs and J figured them out within hours of moving in...yippee. There is one door he is very familiar with and that is the pantry door. All the snacks and cereals are on a shelf that the big boys can reach for obvious reasons. Problem? The shelf above is too high for A and the current shelf is still in reach for J.

So here is what I tend to find...

Yesterday I was getting ready so we could head out of the house and J comes scurrying into the bathroom, curls a bouncin'. He screams, "MA! MA! MA!" When I turned to look at him, in his most serious voice he says, "Uh. Oh." Before I could respond, he took off and then I hear him say, "Woooooooowww". That made me nervous. The minute I walk out of the bedroom I see...

Yes. Those are Rice Krispies...all over the floor. Sometimes the snack doesn't always work out the way we'd like.

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