Wednesday, February 24


It hasn't been this awesome since 2004! We actually had snow. Not just flurries. NO, a real accumulation!

The meteorologists had been talking about snow but honestly I didn't believe them. The snow started early in the morning, just after Z had gone to school. Little A could not stand it, he had to go out and play in it.

The last time he played in snow was a year ago when we went to Colorado.

Even Mimi wanted to get out in it...with an umbrella. :) In her defense, the flakes were not only huge, they were the super wet kind.

And I will say that the umbrella came in handy when I walked across the street to take this picture.
So what do you do when it's snowing like crazy? Drive in it!! :) That's what we did. My mom, J and I took off on a little adventure.

This is the gazebo that is behind our old house. So peaceful...

At around 1:00 I couldn't stand it any longer. I drove to Z's school and checked him out early. He was thrilled and so was I.
M was out of town so I had to take one for the team. :) After being cooped up in the house for a few weeks I thought it was important for the boys to see me "play" again. I must say, it was a nice change of pace not only with the snow but to have something to do.
I attempted to make a snowman but apparently it's more fun to jump on the snowman than actually complete it.
The snow was perfect for snowballs and of course snowball fights.

Since my snowman kept getting crushed I had to settle for this one.

My biggest boy...

My big boy...

Everyone enjoyed the snow...even Mimi played in it. :)

Two and a half hours later I had two very wet but satisfied boys. It was a lot of fun but I was sad M wasn't here to play with us.

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