Thursday, December 17

A Visit to Santa

Last night we did something we haven't done...ever. We actually went to see Santa. Why have we never done it before? Um, no good reason really.

Before our big trip I sat down with the boys to write out their wish lists. You see, lately the lists keep changing and we don't want to confuse Santa. So we wrote down what we wanted in hopes that getting it on paper would make it more "permanent". In other words, "You told Santa you wanted.... Santa is limited and can't have the kids changing their minds everyday."

M and I made a plan to leave right at 5 to beat the crowd. Boy were we wrong. There was an hour long wait! UGH! Now I know why all the smart people go visit Santa the minute he pops up at the mall! Well, why waste time? M stayed in line while the boys and I went to pick out gifts for their teachers and grab a snack. Overall our hour wait went by fairly quickly.

The boys were thrilled when it was their turn. Both hopped right up on his lap and Z read his list first. A and I had practiced his list so he could memorized the words in order to "read" his to Santa too. It was so cute! Their little faces were so eager.

At the end we took a picture and off we went.

In many ways I'm glad we waited to visit the man in red. Neither one was scared and at this point they both "get" it. :)

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