Saturday, December 12

Happy Birthday Z-Man!!

Where does the time go?! Six years ago we were welcoming our big boy into the world. He really is such a big boy now. I look at him in amazement of all that he can do. He's reading up a storm and loves, loves books. He will sit with 200+ piece Lego sets and complete them with very little help. He's a video game the point that we have to limit him a bit. :) He's always been a great eater and will try anything I put in front of him. If he doesn't like it, I know he really doesn't like it. He is fiercely competitive...don't get me started...but I know someday that will be a major strength for him. He is coming into his own and just in the few months he's been in kinder he has gained so much confidence.

Today we celebrated with a little bowling, family and friends. It was the prefect size party, small and intimate. The kids were able to bowl for an hour.

Everyone got in on the action. Both boys loved bowling a few months ago that this just seemed like the perfect venue for us. Plus, I didn't have to clean the house!! :)

Then it was on to food. What kind? Well, cheese pizza of course!!

We were very lucky to have our family join us for the celebration. There was plenty of food for kids and adults. Then each child received a game card to play the video games. One of my favorite pictures is the one in the top left corner. Z playing a game with M. Such a big boy but small in so many ways...

However the most entertaining of them all was the tank game he found. Take a look for yourself...

Did I mention that Z has always been an emotional kid?
Happy Birthday Boo-Bear! May you have many, many more! XO

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