Thursday, December 17

Party #1

And so begins the Christmas season. I've been so wrapped up in shopping and photos that the whole season has snuck up on me!

Today was A's class party. We started with a story and prayer then moved on to a quick craft. After that the kids had been practicing with the puppets and had a song for us. Well, all the kids disappeared behind the wall so the parents didn't know which puppet belonged to their child. I stood in the back and snapped away in hopes that I would figure out later which one was little A.

I giggled my way through the song as some puppets got tired and quit. Some puppets were more interested in playing with other puppets. Overall, they made it through the song. :) At the end the kids were allowed to show their puppet to mom or dad. Out came A with his puppet, so proud. I had to get a picture!

Then we moved on to another craft and finally the gingerbread houses...which I have heard about for days! A was soooo excited! He's definitely our crafty kid. He and I worked on the house together, sampling candy and placing some on the house.

We had a good time, just the two of us working away on our house. :) He was sad to quit but the party was not over yet. I assured him we could take all the candy and the house home with us. He said, "I want Z to help me. Do you think that would be fun?" I told him that sounded like a perfect idea!

Here's my little guy. Always thinking of others, never leaving anyone out. And look at that awesome house!! :)

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