Monday, October 12

A Family Outing

Maybe it's the fact that I'm pregnant, maybe it's the fact that the boys can do more now...who knows. But for some reason I've been wanting to do new things as a family. This weekend we took advantage of the extra day and went to Main Event for a little bowling.

The boys love bowling on the Wii so we thought this would be a lot of fun. Sure enough...when we arrived they could barely contain themselves. I have to say, they have the perfect set-up for the little guys. The boys each had a 6 pound ball, when it was their turn to bowl the bumpers popped up and they even had little ramps for them to roll the ball down.

Thank goodness for the ramps! Austin loved being able to do it all by himself.

And from the look of it I would say Z liked using the ramp too.

But then the boys wanted to try it all by themselves "like Mommy and Daddy". Ok, fine. As you can see that 6 pound ball was a little heavy for A. It's almost a third of his weight! :) He'd hoist that thing up on his shoulder, wobble his way to the line and drop it with a thud. 10 minutes later it would make it down the lane and knock over a few pins.

When our hour was up Z was quite upset but A was ready to move on. So we spent a little time at the air hockey table...poor Daddy really wanted in on the action. ;)

And Z was doing a great job holding his own...

So our first bowling experience was quite a hit! The boys have asked at least half a dozen times when we can go back. Looks like we'll be going back sooner rather than later. :)

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