Friday, October 23

From the mouths of boys...

The boys are so funny! I think they're the cutest when they're not trying to be funny.

Last week Z came home from school saying we need to join PETA. Hmmm...I know his teacher is a vegetarian but something wasn't quite right. I asked, "What is PETA?" He said, "I don't know, but Mrs. M's class is winning! We need 100% membership" Then it clicked. " mean PTA!" Hahahaha! It wouldn't have been quite as funny if his teacher wasn't a vegetarian. She claims she hasn't tried to recruit him yet but she is a PETA member. :) We both got a big kick out of that one. :)

This past weekend I was getting ready in the bathroom, doing my hair and make-up. I had just climbed out of the shower and was still cooling off so I didn't have my shirt on yet. Little A said, "Mommy, when are you going to put your shirt on?" I said, "In a minute, I'm not ready yet." Five minutes later again, "Mommy, you need your shirt." Finally after the third, "Mommy, where's your shirt?" I said, "Austin, what's the matter? You keep asking about my shirt." He said, "Your Bee-Bo is tooooo BIG!!" Bee-Bo is the word used in The Belly Button Book. LOL!! I thought that was hilarious! He's quite unnerved by the fact that my belly button is looking a little strange these days. :)

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