Saturday, September 26

Soccer Saturdays

Here we go again...times 2! This year both boys are playing soccer. I was hesitant to let Z play again after last season. In fact, I tried to talk him into t-ball or karate. But nope. He was adamant, he wanted to play soccer. Ok fine. A on the other hand was ho-hum but once he heard who would be on his team he was thrilled.

Today we were supposed to have our first games but because of the rain this past week practices were cancelled and all games were downgraded to optional scrimmages. I thought it would be a good idea for A to watch Z since his first practice didn't go so well. A was interested for about 5 whole minutes.
Well, once again Mommy was put in her place (and she so doesn't mind being wrong about these things!). Z did GREAT! He was out there running after the ball, defending the goal and even scored one on his own. No tears this year...just pure energy and a go-get'em attitude! I was was impressed and so proud of him.
Then it was time for A's scrimmage. Well, that one didn't go as well. He was all sour grapes. Didn't want to be on the field, didn't want to play with his friends and flat out was not happy. Hmmm....may be a long season with that one.

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