Friday, September 18

Bound and Determined!!

Well, school is back in session for sure! We've got our first "bug". Z woke up this morning saying he didn't feel well. That's been our usual Friday routine. Usually by Friday he's toast! So this morning I blew him off thinking we were up to our weekly routine. As I watched him pick at his breakfast I knew he wasn't messing around. I had him look at me and his little eyes were a tiny bit droopy behind his glasses. Sure enough, he had a slight fever.

With all the flu hoopla and media frenzy I bought into it and called the doctor. The nurse called me back and once she found out we have a brother with asthma and a mommy with a baby they wanted us to come in. He got a flu test - not impressed by having his nose swabbed! - and a strep test - very not impressed by having his throat swabbed! Both came back negative. Good news! But we got that dreaded V word....virus. Code for "there's nothing we can do for you...good luck!"

The poor kid has had a fever the climbs to 102.6 and he's droopy droopy. BUT he's still dead set on one thing. His Republic Attack Shuttle. You see, he earned the remaining money last night when he helped Daddy pull weeds in the backyard. He knew we were going to get it today and despite the fever he has not forgotten. Instead of an excited kid, I've had a very whiny and determined kid, even slightly ticked kid. All day it was, "Mommy, will you please go buy it for me?" I really want him to have the satisfaction of turning his money over to the cashier. I was able to hold him off by telling him we needed to find out what Dr. G told us. Now that we know he doesn't have the flu or strep we're stuck.

So tonight we took him to Target. Yes, we were those parents. The ones that take their sick kid out to infect the rest of the population. In our defense we were in and out...10 minutes max! And besides, you didn't hear him all day.

Here he is, Tylenol in his system but determined to get his Attack Shuttle. The poor kid has waited for months.And here he is two seconds after that picture was taken...

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