Friday, September 18

AMAZING Opportunity

WOW WOW WOW WOW!! I am so excited I don't even know where to begin!

Back when M was in grad school I discovered my love of photography. I joined Flickr and have made several contacts with photographers around the world. I have my favorites and those that I keep an eye on just to see what they're up to. I've contacted a few of them asking beginner questions and learned a lot from each one.

A week ago today one of the photographers I love was featured on The Today Show. Her name is Tracy Raver. She owns a studio in Omaha, Nebraska and does photography with her sister Kelley Ryden. These sisters are AMAZING! Their work is beautiful...simple and clean. I would love to be like them when I grow up. (Please take a moment to look at their websites.)

Well, these sisters offer workshops specializing in newborn photography. I told M about them and just mentioned I would love to take one of their classes one day. He said, "See if you can get in before baby arrives." WHAT?!? ARE YOU SERIOUS?! DON'T TEASE! On cloud nine, I emailed them Saturday morning to find out if there were any openings in the 2009 classes, knowing the chances were about as good as winning the lottery. Especially after they were featured on The Today Show.

Sure enough, they are full. I asked if there was a waiting list and explained I have a baby on the way and would love the chance to fill in if someone backs out. Kelley emailed me saying if I could make the Oct. 5th class she'd squeeze me in!!! HOLY COW!! Am I going? YOU BET I AM!! It's a chance of a lifetime for me and I am so excited I can barely contain myself. :)

So the arrangements are being made, the sitter for the boys is lined up (My Mommy), and my bags will be packed in the next few minutes. I went from dreaming about this class to booking flights...all because I had a little encouragement from M. I never would have looked into them without his suggestion.

M and I will be flying to Omaha so I can learn as much as possible about keeping those newborns all curled up and sleepy, editing the jaundice babes, and setting up the perfect shot. Ahhhh!! I can't wait!! :)

Just a word of warning: Those of you that are currently cooking a baby better watch out...I'm gonna be all over you wanting to play with your squishy little one. ;)


Jennifer M said...

Yay! I can't wait to hear all about it!

Anonymous said...

YA!!! Can't wait for beautiful pics of mine!!! (:

Cassie said...

woo hoo!! how cool!?! :) for you (and us)!