Monday, September 14

Rained Out!

What a bummer! This weekend was filled with wonderful plans...and none of it happened due to the rain. I can't be too critical because we desperately need the rain, but why does it ruin the best plans?

The rain started on Friday and trust me, it was a welcome sight. However, it rained so much the news at 10pm was talking about parts of I35 being shut down. As the rain continued through the night I began to worry a bit. M and A were scheduled to drive to Dallas on Saturday to visit his mom.

Well, once morning arrived, M didn't even go to his scheduled Rouge Run and those of you that know him know that says A LOT! Once I woke up and noticed he was still around instead of running I asked what the weather was doing. He said, "It's green and red everywhere." that point we watched the news again only to find out that there was flooding expected and lots of road closures. So guess what? The trip to Dallas was canceled, as were my big date plans with Z. It was nice to have a weekend in, but sad that he didn't make his trip. On top of that today is his birthday! We made the best of it and celebrated with a homemade German Chocolate cake. Mmmm...

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