Wednesday, August 26

It's Official!!

Today was my appointment with "the baby doctor". Most of you know that we've heard conflicting opinions on the gender. Well today even though baby was not willing to cooperate we got between those little legs anyway. The Beezer Brothers will grow by one more!! It's a boy! :)
He is healthy and growing just perfectly. All the tests so far look great. What more could we ask for?!

So now we'll have triple the trouble and we don't even have to paint the nursery because it's already blue and green!

How are we all feeling about the news? We are excited! This little one is going to slide right into our lives and join in the boy business around here. I know how to handle 'em and what to expect. Plus, those closest to me know that I've always known in my heart it was a boy. I just couldn't picture anything else around here. What am I most excited about? Finding out what this little guy will look like. Will he look more like Z or like A or will he look totally different? Will he like Lightning McQueen or Mater? All those questions will start to have answers in January. :)


Cassie said...

congrats!! but now you'll have to find a new name! Queen _ and her boys 4! :(

Queen Bee said...

No way, I'm keeping the name and giving M the boot. :)

Jennifer M said...

Can't wait to hold a new squishy lump of sugar! :)

twiceasnice said...

I am so excited! I love boys!