Wednesday, August 26

Day 3 of Kinder

Don't worry, I'm not going to report on all 180 days of school. Just the first week. :) After yesterday I had my expectations set. However, I was wrong. Today M literally had to carry Z to the breakfast table when he still was not up at 6:40. No tears today, just grogginess. Then some words came out of his mouth that I was not expecting to hear..."Can I walk in by myself?" HUH?!? Ok Mommy, if he wants to do the drop-off line, let him. I asked if he was sure and said we could talk about it again in the car. Well sure enough, he wanted to do the drop off and said, "I know where to go. It's the same door we come in from recess." Well ok then!

Mommy is trying to let go, really I am! But he's 5 and it's his 3rd day of school. So, M dropped me off at the front and took Z around to the drop off. As I got to his class, he came in the door from the drop off line with a huge grin and walked right into his class. Ummm...bye?! I looked at his teacher, she looked at me and I said, "Well ok then! Have a good day!" Sheesh. Things could be worse...

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