Tuesday, August 25

Day 2 of Kinder

Ok, yesterday was easy-cheesy. Today was a little different. Z got up on his own at 6:20, but instead of be-bopping...it was more of a slink into our bed. M and I were both getting ready and we didn't even hear him come in. We made it to the kitchen before Z started crying. "I'm so tired!" I know kiddo, I know. Well, we made it through breakfast and by the time he was on to his bathroom stuff he was awake. Drop-off at school ended up being just fine. Great - save the drama for home!!

This afternoon his teacher said he had a great day. I told her I was glad to hear that because we had tears at breakfast over the 6:15 wake-up. She said her 5:15 makes her want to cry too. :)

It is funny how the little tidbits come out. I ask him tons of questions when I pick him up only to get short answers and "I don't know"s. But slowly and randomly the stories come out. Tonight M crawled into bed to cuddle with him and he said, "Daddy, you have to keep your hands to yourself." Hmmm...wonder if that was said to him or a friend.

Wonder what other little lectures we'll get. :)

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