What a great long weekend!! Matt started class on Friday so he was gone on Saturday too. But don't worry - he did make it home in time to order and watch the game! I must say, there is nothing else that can get my husband so excited that he jumps up and down yelping like a little girl. Yes boys and girls, he jumps up and down with UT football. I am so proud! :)
After Matt recovered from UT's "win" we were able to spend the rest of the weekend enjoying family time. Sunday night the rain almost ruined our plans again but it cleared just in time for the Cedar Park fireworks. Zachy did ok with the loud noise - he still gets a little nervous. Austin on the other hand didn't blink once the fireworks started. I couldn't help but just watch his little face. He
turned to me, jabbered something, pointed to the fireworks with a big grin and that was it. Not a long conversation, but enough to let me know that he was having fun. I love those "first" moments!!

1 comment:
So cute those boys of yours! How about that scary win for the horns. Hope we do better this weekend! Bring those boys by!
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