Sunday, June 24


These days it's hard to get my wee man to stop for anything.  I guess that's what happens when you're 29 months old.  I've found a little drama works well when I need to catch his attention or get him to stand still for two seconds.  The other day he was carrying on as we were leaving the grocery store so I brought in my go-to phrase.  "Shh!  Shh!  Listen!  Do you hear that?"  He paused and you could see him concentrating.  Then he said, "I hear airplane!"  Yup, tantrum gone.  Another day it was a fire truck in the distance or the back door opening.  I've used this little gem of a phrase quite a bit.

A couple of days ago the phrase came back at me.  We were up in his bedroom since it was about time for a nap.  He said, "Shhh!  Shhh!  Wisten!"  So we both stood very still.  Then he said, "Pee pee come out di-per" and started wiping his leg.  WHAT?!  EEEWWWW!  Sure enough, the pee was running down his leg.

I love being a mom.

1 comment:

Bev Ochoa said...

You have a comedian on your hands!! Hilarious!!