Saturday, June 23

Our B-Ball Boy

Our A has really surprised us this year.  He wanted to play basketball in the fall but the first two practices and games were a disaster.  Tears, whining, frustration, you name it.  Somewhere around the middle of the season he came to love it.  He loved it so much that he asked to play again.  Sure!

We're off to a great start with basketball.  He's on a 1st/2nd grade team now.  I was a little nervous because he was going to be one of the smaller guys but it hasn't bothered him so far. :)

He gets right in there with all the kids and even gets his little hands on the ball!  The goal is a little higher now so that has made him a little frustrated but for the most part he's ok with it.

I've told him I don't care about him making a goal, just make sure to put those arms up and play defense!

We are so proud of our little man.  He's coming around and finding his own interests.  I think I'm in love with him...and those shorts! :)

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