Wednesday, March 21

Lessons from Ash Wednesday

On Ash Wednesday we had a little unplanned action around here. The boys had early dismissal that day and I had just picked them up from school The house was bustling with noise as the big boys came roaring in the house, J was super excited to have them home and M and I were trying to get lunch together for the three people that didn't go to school.

M is such a great help around here and pitches in all the time. On this day we were making veggie quesadillas like good little Catholics. I was still grabbing supplies while M chopped veggies. In the midst of the boy noise I heard a yelp and M was at my side with his hand over the sink. As I glanced over I saw a gash in his finger and I mean gash. All I said was, "You're gonna need stitches" and I ran to get a bandage.

We learned so many things on Ash Wednesday:
* A panics at the sight of blood. The kid was wailing at the kitchen table because he didn't want to see M's finger.
* Z doesn't handle emergency situations very well. He was running around like a chicken with his head cut off because he just wanted to help. We asked him to grab M's shoes and as he was trying to get them on M's feet he told M his feet are too big.
* J is still totally clueless. Ahhhh to be a clueless toddler.
* The Chief Operating Officer needs to stock up on First Aid supplies. How we've made it this long without a cabinet full of bandages, ointments, etc. makes me both proud (we have avoided serious injury) and scared (we've avoided serious injury and are probably due).
* M is not allowed to cut avocados for a while.
* Three stitches in your finger hurts...really badly.
* Eat meat on Ash Wednesday. Otherwise your veggie quesadilla will cost you $150.

Well, it's been a few weeks now but M still hasn't lived it down. Just yesterday Z pulled out his "Mimi knife" to cut the stem off a strawberry. The "Mimi knife" looks like a knife with really large, really dull teeth. He was explaining to A that the "Mimi knife" is used so they can practice before using a big boy knife. Then he said, "Apparently dad isn't ready for a big boy knife yet. Right, mom?" I snorted and said, "Apparently".

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