I've been away for a while, but I thought I'd make a quick appearance to update on Da Boyz. :)

He is still very interested in doing Mobile Loaves and Fishes every month and even counts down the days the week of the truck run. He's taken on the job of drink maker since day one and has stuck with it for each run.
Over the past few months I've noticed him becoming more of an encouraging brother. It warms my heart to hear him compliment A and tell him he did an awesome job on something. As far a J is concerned, Z finds him irresistible! He tells him he is the cutest baby in the world and is so helpful with him.
Our Z is growing like a weed, both physically and emotionally and every now and then I find myself just staring at him. Where did that little boy that played the guitar bigger than him go?!

He too has grown physically and emotionally but what I am most impressed by is how he's grown academically. He is reading on a first grade level already. At times I find him at the kitchen table with his head down while he mutters. He loves drawing...always has...but now he is labeling his pictures. He has learned to sound out words and write the letters in the order he hears them. It is really quite impressive. :)
My A has such a tender heart. He is the first to goof off, but the first to get his little feelings hurt too. He enjoys reading to J. I think it makes him feel older because he CAN read to him now. He loves giving J hugs and kisses but seeks Z out when he wants to play a round of Beyblades. Recently I've been finding "mail" left for me on my pillow, nightstand or delivered right to my hand. He writes sweet little notes that say "You are butefl" or "I love to snugl with you". I make sure to tell him how special they make me feel and that girls love to get notes with compliments. It's worth seeing him grin ear to ear when I fawn over his notes.
Oh Thing 3. He brings such joy to this house. He is talking up a storm these days! I worried about him a while back because he seemed to stop learning new words but all of a sudden they came flowing out like a flood gate opened. He also makes his opinion quite known around here. I told him No the other day and I got, "Oh main (man)!!" from him. M and I burst out laughing.

Bedtime is still a daily ordeal. He always wants "mo(more) hug" or "kish". Every night before I go to bed I have to check on him because he's been falling asleep next to the gate on his doorway. Someday I'll be able to put him to bed without a fight or wailing coming from his room. Someday.
He is my little sidekick and I can already tell it's going to be a problem when it's time for preschool. He does not like me out of his sight. If I go for a run, he's right there watching me put on my shoes and I can hear him screaming when I walk out the door. The only time I get any sort of break is when Mimi is around. Then I become chopped liver. I'm good with chopped liver on occasion.
Here's a little proof that he is growing... :)
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