Wednesday, March 17

Out and About

J has passed the 6 week mark and we have been venturing out of the house a bit more. It's kinda hard to put life on hold when you have two active boys.

This past weekend we braved the annual kite festival. It took me a long time to pack up all the junk we needed but we managed to make it out the door on time. Woo-hoo!

Our morning started with a stop at Whole Foods. We needed something yummy for our picnic. We made it down to the park, found a great parking spot and unloaded the troops. I had J in the Ergo Baby and M had the big boys in the double jogger...along with all the junk we needed.

We met up with my family and had a blast! Well, the adults had fun. :)

Mimi brought cupcakes...and sprinkles! :)

The beautiful butterfly kite that has to be the hardest one to fly. It's always a challenge to get this one up in the air!

The princess kite flies with even the smallest breeze. Here's Mimi lending a hand...

And Frick and Frack. They managed to get their kite wrapped around the base of a tree! Oh geez.

The vultures were circling me while I had J in the Ergo. The minute he came out they swooped in and took him!

We parted ways after a few hours. Our day didn't end there! We went down to SOCO and experienced the trailer food. Soooo yummy!

I would say Z was excited about his rainbow snow cone. :) Check out the tongue.

A word to the wise: If you plan on going down there on a Saturday, go by Hey Cupcake early. They ran out of everything but The Standard by 4 p.m.

It was a long day but a super fun one. I think I may have worn all the boys out! :)

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