Thursday, March 18

Monkeys Look at Monkeys

Yay for having the same spring break as the cousins in San Antonio!! On St. Patrick's Day we took all the monkeys to the zoo. Apparently it wasn't an original idea because the zoo made the evening news with over 17,000 visitors that day.

It was crowded but we all had a great time. Z was totally into the zoo map and A was super excited about the elephants again. Although this time he wasn't as impressed. There was only one elephant and it didn't poop for him.

The zoo was fun but I think we had just as much fun at Alamo Cafe! A not only finished his food, he also cleaned up when it came to the tortillas and butter.

The late lunch perked everyone up and brought the silly good times back.

It was a successful day! How do I know? The boys were still talking about it on the way home...during our 3 hour car ride. (Stinkin' traffic...)

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