Monday, February 1

He's here!!!

I know, I know, you've been dying to hear about our new little man. I'm sorry for the delay but these days sleep is taking priority over...well, just about everything.

Since my last post we've been quite busy. Let me back up for you. My last post was all about trying to make it through the next 4 days until our little man was to arrive. I guess he could feel my frustration and discomfort because he helped Mommy out.

At 2 a.m. Monday morning I woke up with a sharp pain. This was nothing new for me, it had been happening quite frequently, especially at night. I rolled over and was just dozing when it happened again. Well at this point I was just annoyed. Again, I cringed and attempted to go back to sleep. It was after the 3rd contraction that I thought, "I might actually need to wake up and pay attention to these". After an hour of timing the contractions that were 10 minutes apart I woke M up. (See guest post)

By 3:45 a.m. he made me call the doctor on call. I hated to wake anyone up but I called anyway. He told me I could go in or wait until the office opened since it sounded like I still had a while to wait. I was happy with that choice and decided to wait it out. By 5:30 the contractions were getting farther apart. I was glad but confused. Now what?! Go in, don't go in? Well, we got the big boys up, dressed and out the door we went. Z was off to school, A was off to a friend's house and we were off to the doctor...contrationless. Yup, not a one for a whole hour!

When we got to the doctor we had to wait a whole 5 minutes before we were taken to the back to see Dr. S. It was crazy service!! :) I filled the nurse in, she hooked me up to a monitor and sure enough, the contractions were still there. Thank goodness! Dr. S said the the cons of waiting outweighed the pros...time to see our little man!

M immediately got on the phone and called all the parents. Mine were told not to rush, we were looking at a 3-4 hour wait before we went into surgery. I was starving and that sounded like forever!!! So off we went to Labor and Delivery, checked in, and I was prepped. Two hours from the time we arrived at the doctor's office we were moving to the operating room. Again, crazy service!

I have to say, this delivery was just as easy as the others. I have to give this man credit. Dr. S is our hero. He is so calming and the most wonderful doctor. Yes, I have to wait on him for every appointment. He is never on time. BUT. He has dropped everything for me the past two times I've been in labor. He's been the one to deliver my boys. So I know when I have to wait on him that he is off taking care of his patients the same way he will take care of me.

Now, I was a bit drugged. Thankfully I'd been preparing my back-up photographer. He had things under control! I set up the camera for him and off he went. He took all the operating room shots for me. Here's our little man...J. This was our first good look at him as Dr. S held him above the curtain.

Yay!!! Gotta have that Dr. S shot...

This pretty much sums up the way I was feeling in recovery...and the rest of the day.

On Tuesday the big boys came for a visit. Z is completely in love with J. He wants to show him how to play Wii these days. :)

My trio of boys...

Mimi and J, just one of several visitors we had while in the hospital.

So peaceful...

After 3 nights at the hospital, we made it home.

And yes, in case you were wondering I have been taking pictures of him. Just haven't been really quick with the editing...

So here we are. Three boys in the the fun begins! :)


jennifer M said...

E says, "Awww . . . hey--they're lucky, they have THREE brothers!" heehee :)

Lisa Summers said...

soooo precious, glad everyone is home and doing well.

twiceasnice said...

when can i bring you dinner???? Love the post...caught me up on the details from the one who really knows!