Monday, January 11


Z cracks me up. He so badly wants to be a bigger boy than he actually is. This school year we've been adjusting to going going going all day. When bedtime rolls around he usually goes down in flames or just flat out crawls into bed without an argument.

Saturdays I make him lay down and try to take a little nap. Usually because we've been up late on Friday night and have something scheduled for Saturday night. Sundays he doesn't need a nap but still needs to have rest time. This past weekend I was sacked out, A was sacked out and M was going to run an errand. Z didn't want to go with him and instead wanted to look at books on the couch. Fine.

A got up and came to my room after his nap to ask me where Z was. I said I didn't know but when I walked out into the living room this is what I found...

When M returned home we found out the story. Z said he wasn't tired, didn't need a nap and just wanted to read on the couch...with Bear. Can anyone say DENIAL?!?!

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