Saturday, December 19

Out with the old, In with the new

Today we said goodbye to an old friend. It was sad, but it was time. Our Tahoe has been with us since 2002 when M bought it for me for Valentine's Day. It was a party wagon before we had kids; took us to the beach with our church friends and many nights out with the gang. Then the boys came along and it brought both of them home from the hospital. Since then it's taken us to Dallas, the beach every year and many other trips along the way. It was a reliable vehicle and I loved everything about it.

Well...I didn't love filling it up with gas prices on the rise and after many years of crawling up into it I was done. Ok. So there were a few things I could do without.

When I thought about my next vehicle I had a few criteria.
1. It had to have three rows with the captains seats in the middle row. (Suburban/Crossover)
2. It had to be lower to the ground so I didn't have to climb in or slide out. (Crossover)
3. It had to have room behind the third row for a stroller and any other baby gear we'll be hauling around for the next two years. (?!?!)

Sounds pretty easy right? We looked at every crossover on the market. I thought they would be perfect! And not a minivan! Well dang it, they don't meet the third criteria. There's room behind the third row but not for a stroller and groceries.

UUUUUUGGGGGHHHH! What was I describing? A MINIVAN! I said I'd never drive one! I said I'd rather keep my Tahoe! Well, when push came to shove and this belly grew to 33 weeks that was the shove I needed.

FINE! I'll do a minivan. I can make it look hot, right? I told M I had a fourth had to be black. Was not, would not go for any other color, especially if I'm going to drive this thing for another 8 years.

Sooo we called around and there was one black Honda Odyssey in Austin. It had just rolled off the truck the night before, still had the plastic on it...and now it's mine.

Ok. The girl that said she would never drive one now owns one and is a big enough girl to admit that she might be falling in love with it. It's so much easier on everyone. We have room for Baby #3 to ride comfortably. And it's kinda fun to drive.

It's true: Never say Never...

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