Sunday, November 1

Happy Halloween!!

Would it surprise you if I said the boys wanted to dress as Star Wars characters for Halloween? I sure hope not. Last year we were all about Star Wars and this year was just the same. Thankfully we did pick different characters. A was Darth Vader and Z was Obi Wan. They were so excited!

We went trick-or-treating with our good friends, the P family. I think we've been out collecting loot with them every year. This year we made it all the way around the block before A sat down with his pumpkin and said, "I'm all done. If I eat all this candy my tummy will hurt." Very true, son. However I think this was more of a ploy to get Mommy to carry his heavy pumpkin because he had no problem going up to the doors and carrying his candy back to the pumpkin I was holding for him.

So, 5 kids and 4 adults made their way around the block gathering yummy candy and enjoying the night out together. It was great fun! :)

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