Thursday, October 29


It's here! The dreaded...SWINE FLU! Ok, I'm being very dramatic. Yes, A has been diagnosed with swine flu...but I almost wonder if the test was wrong. Tuesday he came down with a fever after his nap. It was at 101.7. I didn't give him Tylenol right away, I just kept an eye on him. Even at bedtime it was at 100.1. He'd been coughing since Saturday so we had already increased his breathing treatments thinking his allergies were getting the best of him. Wednesday he woke up with a low grade fever again...100.9. I debated taking him in but by 10:00 I'd decided to see if maybe he was getting a secondary infection from his cough.

As we were walking into the doctor's office I thought, "Pleeease God, I hope we don't pick up swine flu while we're here." The nurse wrote down the symptoms and then said she was going to run a flu test. I said, "Is that standard operating procedure these days?" She laughed and said, "Pretty much. Fever and cough means we test them." I totally blew her off! I thought, 'Fine but that's not what we're here for.' When our favorite nurse practitioner came in she asked what was going on, I told her and she said, "Well he tested positive for flu." WHAT?!?! NOOO WAY!! I was am still am shocked!! I guess I shouldn't be...5 out of the 15 in his class were absent on Tuesday. But still! Where's the high fever? Where's the droopy kid? My kid wanted to play with the toys and I wouldn't let him!

So here we are. We started Tamiflu last night and thankfully he's been able to stomach it. He doesn't have a fever today. Every now and then he'll tell me something hurts...his neck, his arm. He plays for a little while then sits on the couch for a little while.

If this is the worst of it...SUUPER! Bring it! Maybe I should take that back....

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