Monday, August 24

Off to Kindergarten!

All weekend Z has been saying how excited he is about school. I got confirmation on that this morning when he came be-bopping into our room at 6:05. The alarm had just gone off! How did his little body tell him it was time to get up?!

We were right on schedule this morning...breakfast at 6:30, bathroom stuff and clothes at 7, shoes on at 7:15 and out the door. It'll wear off.

Luckily M was able to go with us to drop-off. Z led the way the entire time...

He walked into his classroom, put his stuff away and sat at his table. Just like that. No drama, no tears. Huh.
And in case you were wondering, no I didn't cry. I did that last night, remember? :)

1 comment:

Cassie said...

great post! he is just such a cutie!! precious!! I can only pray that Alex will do so great someday too! :)