Thursday, July 30


Where have I been you ask? Not blogging. Man, I can't get back into this blog these days - what's wrong with me?!

Well, here's some of our latest news.

The big boys are doing great...when they're not fighting or pushing each other's buttons. So that makes for about 3 hours out of the day and when they're sleeping. This hot weather has kept us all cooped in the house. Thank goodness we have a good running path inside for them to exercise those little legs.

The oldest boy has been back to running. He did a long run last weekend, even though he didn't mean to. :) He's joined Rogue Running and on Saturday mornings they meet at 5 to do a long run. The map for the 16 mile run left out a turn which meant the 16 mile run went to 20 miles. Awesome.

And me? I'm at 13 weeks and starting to feel like my normal self again. I had my big sono on Tuesday to measure the back of the neck and make sure it was within the normal zone. Thankfully it was so all is well with Baby #3. :) The little stinker was very private and would not let us get a good look "down there" so we still don't know what flavor we have growing in there. But we know the little one is healthy, and that's the most important news.

That's life in the W household. We're all still here, we're all doing well! :)

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