Thursday, June 25

Day 1 - Legoland

Well, we had a bit of an early morning today. The boys did not get the memo that we are on CA time so they were up at 5 (7 back home). UGH! As we walked down to breakfast I told them they had to be quiet as mice because CA was still sleeping.

After breakfast we went back to the room and attempted to take naps. Well, we were 50% successful - M and A passed out for an hour, Z on the other hand kept me up with his squirming. Oh well.

We were ready to go at 9:45, made the 5 minute drive and were in the gates at 10:05...literally. The boys were in awe! Every statue is made of legos...solid legos. It is quite incredible when you think about it. We made our way to the rides and it was awesome - no lines! We were able to do a few before the crowd thickened after lunch. If you ever think you might want to visit Legoland, our boys are the perfect age and size. A just cleared the 36" needed for some of the "faster" rides. In fact, he ended up being our little daredevil! According to M, A was quite upset when the attendant unfastened his seat belt when the ride was over. He wasn't finished! :)

So we did many rides, looked at many Lego souvenirs, ate lots of food and closed the park down. Yup. 8 hours of Legoland!! The boys were wiped and by the time we made it to dinner at 7 (9 our time) I was famished and exhausted!

Surprisingly we made it back to the hotel, washed the layer of Legoland off the boys and had them in bed without any major breakdowns. There wasn't a bit of arguing when those lights went out. :)

1 comment:

Cassie said...

what a super cool place! so fun!! I love the pic of your husband on that ride...he looks a little too big to be on there! :) kinda like the big eagle with all the little babies under his wings! And have I told you lately that your boys are adorable!