Tuesday, June 23


M and I have had a big trip in the works for a while now. Without the boys knowing, we've been planning a trip to Legoland in California. I didn't want to tell them until the last minute...honestly...because I didn't want to have to answer all the questions. Tonight we broke the news to them.

I created a scavenger hunt and at the end they had all the letters that spelled out Legoland. They were excited, but even more excited when we told them we are leaving in the morning on a plane out to California. They were jumping up and down and screaming their little heads off!! :) A kept saying, "We're going to Wegoland!!!! I'm so excited!!!"

My absolute favorite part came a few minutes later. I was making dinner and Z walked in with his backpack. He said, "I'm ready to go, Mommy. I got special bear, my Leapster and Bakugans." All the while standing in front of me in his jammies and bed head hair from his nap. My favorite!!! :)

So tomorrow is the big day! We're outta here!

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