Saturday, May 16

Birthday Par-tay

Today we celebrated our little man. The day was rainy and gloomy up until about an hour before the party started. We turned lemons into lemonade and fun was had by all. I was a bit nervous because our main entertainment (bounce house) did not work out with the weather. BUT! Give kids a room full of toys and new friends to play with and all is well!

We picked up the Lightning McQueen cake earlier this morning and I think A asked me at least two dozen times if it was time to eat cake. That was all he cared about! His cake. :)

14 kids around the table to eat up! Sugar up kiddos! :)

Once the party ended we opened presents. This umbrella was a huge hit... and wasn't it fitting after the day we had? :)

All in all we had a great party! It was filled with the friends we've known since before we all had kids. A few new friends and Oma. Enough people to fill the house with chaos and noise but not so many that we couldn't spend time with everyone. Happy Birthday Little Man!!! :)

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