Tuesday, April 21

Z's Big Race

Saturday was a big day for Z...he ran his very first race! Since M is big into racing we've been to quite a few. It's become tradition for Z to run across the finish line with M since he can't run the whole race (even though he insists he can). So we finally signed up for his own race. He even got a t-shirt and his own number - which he was super excited about.

The best part? It was at the high school. So here is our big boy waiting for his race to begin...

The 10 or so participants went through a warm up...

And then they were off!!

The kids had to run one lap around the track. Not easy for those little legs...especially when you start out at full speed.
Half way around the track I thought we were going to have a meltdown, but he hung in there. Just as he was finishing the crowd cheered him on and he ran the rest of the way in. He was super proud but you can see that Daddy is just as excited for him. :)

So here they are - my two racers. One ran his first race, the other ran his best 5K and finished 3rd in his age group.

1 comment:

Cassie said...

sooo cute! Way to go Z! what a fun bonding hobby! :)