Sunday, April 26


This weekend we drove to San Antonio to participate in the FIESTA week activities. My uncle works for Tecate and he was able to get us into the fun run that takes place right before the night parade. It was 2.6 miles of muggy, smelly running...but I'm glad we did it. Why smelly you ask? Hmm...try running a parade route with whiffs of food, smoke and sewage. Makes for a very interesting run.

When we got to our seats the parade had already started. I have always loved this parade. The lights, the bands, the glow sticks, I just love it all. It never gets old. I thought the boys were going to pee their pants when the Star Wars Society of San Antonio came by us! WOW! They went from excited to jumping out of their skin in just a fraction of a second.

After the excitement dust had settled I turned my attention to getting good shots. I played with the lighting and focused on the best way to take a picture of my cousin, Gabby. She plays piccolo and we knew she was going to walk right in front of us. So here's one without the flash but you can see the glow stuff. Kinda cool but want to see more details.
Ronald McDonald came by and the boys loved him so I got a quick picture when they stopped in front.

Back to the task at hand. Random person with the flash. Better. We'll keep it. Now we wait for Gabby.

Ooooo! Here comes her school! Ok. Ready to get the shot. Wait for the back of the band. There she is!! GAAABBBBYYY!! *click* Uh. Gabby, get your hand out of your face.

Take another. *click* GABBY! You closed your eyes! And...she's gone.

Despite the fact that I didn't get a great picture of Gabby, it was a lot of fun. :) Next year maybe we should tell her not to wave or close her eyes. ;)

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