Monday, April 6


That word is meant for me. So this photography thing I've been doing is great - I love it, I feel blessed that it's taking off, yay me. Not so great for my poor family. Mommy is a "working Mommy" now. Mommy is still figuring out how to be a "working Mommy". Mommy hasn't been taking pictures of her sweet boys that helped her become a photographer. :(

Sooo...right here, right now, I strive to be a better Mommy. Let's play a little catch up, shall we?

Since our little hail storm quite a bit has happened. Sunday, the 30th M and I ran the Cap10K. I've been running once a week with a friend of mine and we thought it would be a great idea to train for the 6.2 mile race. It was a great idea - back when we talked about it. The morning started off a bit cool but we did it! We ran the whole thing in about an hour!!! Crazy! I never thought I'd say this...but I want to do another one. I wasn't feeling 100% that day so I know I can do better. :)

We've been in contact with the insurance people. Looks like the Accord is going to need $6000 worth of work done on it. Super. And we need a new roof, gutters and garage door. Super Great. That hail was incredible. That's the only word I can use to describe it.

This past weekend we took the boys to see Monsters vs. Aliens. They loved it! Z's been really apprehensive about the movie theatre lately. I'm not sure why - the last time we went was over a year ago. Now that he had a good experience we're hoping it won't be such an ordeal the next time we go.

That's pretty much all that's going on here. We've been busy, busy. And when Mommy sits down at the computer she's editing away...but I hope to do a better job for my family.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Hey stranger :)
Just checking in on you guys!
Don't worry--you'll find your groove. It's all about rhythm . . . finding a new rhythm for your family is okay! Don't be so hard on yourself! Give yourself (by that I mean M, Z and A, too) time to settle in . . . then kindergarten will start and you'll find another "new" way of living :)
love you