Wednesday, March 25

Awww HA-IL!!

OH. MY. GOSH. When we heard there was going to be a storm blowing through we knew it was going to be bad, but we had noooo idea.

Here's how it happened: The sky grew dark and then the noise started. The boys came running to find me, "MOMMY! It's SNOWING!" Hmmm...not quite. We look outside to see this:

Well, that was the backyard. The hail was coming from the other side. So here's what happened when we opened the front door.

Then we look up to see down the sidewalk.

And down the street.

When it stopped, M grabbed a few pieces from the backyard.

An hour later, here's what we saw when we looked out the back window. Z said, "That means God blessed us!!" Awww...that made my heart happy.

What didn't make my heart happy: we'll be making a call tomorrow to get the Accord fixed. LOTS of hail damage. So not happy.

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