Thursday, April 9


I just posted this picture on my photo blog but thought I'd expand on it here. It's such a telling picture these days. The boys are best buds...most of the time. :) They have figured out which buttons to push and that makes for great fun - especially for Mommy.

Z's always been attached to that bear. We have 5 of them, but there is only one really special bear. The gross, lumpy one is apparently the best bear of all. Little A changes his favorites quite often.

Now take a look at the the way they're standing - totally unprompted by me and oh so telling. Z has his feet together and is doing his best to "help". A on the other hand is not quite as willing to help and his feet look like he's ready to take off at any minute. The same goes for the shirt tails. Z is tidy, A is a little rumpled.

A picture worth a thousand words...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh- I LOVE this picture!!!! Sooo cute!!!
~"Tia Tim"