Monday, February 16

My Marathon Man

So yesterday was the big day. The day that required months and months of training. Saturday my parents drove up from San Antonio and M's mom drove in from Dallas.

The day was very much like last year. My dad woke up and left the house with M at 5:15. The women and children woke up, ate breakfast and loaded up the car. We hit the road at 8:40 to pick up my dad downtown. Then we headed up to mile 17. This was the meeting point for us. After about 45 minutes, my hubby came running down the street. I wasn't worried about him this year - he didn't get the flu this go-round. :)

From here we parted ways from the parents. I'm not so sure M was glad to see me, or the knee brace I had on. I was worried about my knee giving me trouble and holding him up. I was determined not to slow him down. We made it half a block before he took the knee brace from me. At that point I was glad I decided to wear it because I almost left the thing at home.

So off we went...all the way to mile M's pace. He was chattering away (he'd been alone for almost 3 hours) and I was huffing and puffing just trying to keep up with him. It was rough. When we met up with my dad he had that beautiful glow to him - he was my angel. I was seriously dying. M's legs are longer than mine and I felt like a little dachshund trying to keep up with him. I think my tongue was even hanging out!

So off they went to finish the last 6 miles. I was glad to see that M was doing well and in great spirits. I knew he was going to finish strong!

Right after 4 hours from the time he started, he came around the last turn in front of the capitol. He looked great!! I was so proud of him, to see all of his hard work pay off. :)

Z was proud of him too! He's ready for next year!

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