Sunday, October 12

Faithful Servants

After we had been married a couple of years, we decided to get more involved with the church. M saw an ad in the bulletin looking for young adults to serve as Core members for the Life Teen program. That first meeting changed our lives for the better.

It's been 7 years since we became Core members. Together we served for two years and M served for one more year after Z was born. The friends we made during that time have been a very important part of our lives. We were young married couples back then, now were all young families. We've seen each other through weddings, almost 2 dozen babies, many birthday parties and endless funny moments. Many are the kind of friends you'll have for life.

Our season in life is a little different now, but we continue to look for ways to serve God. Some could say that raising children is a form of serving, and we embrace that calling. We've looked for other ways as well. The latest is working with the Eagle's Wings ministry.

Eagle's Wings is a retreat site in the works. The land has been purchased by a family in the hopes that it will be used for youth retreats. The process is going to be long, but the end result will be worth it! The hope is that in the next 5 years it will be complete. At the moment it is used for small retreats, but still only sleeps a few dozen people.

M felt the calling before I did. Literally, it was a phone call. :) A friend said they needed help and asked M to join him. M spent a Saturday out at the retreat center digging ditches and doing other manual labor. Then he found out that the website needed an overhaul. He dusted off some of his old skills and now the new blue website will be launched in the next few days (we hope). And me? I'm helping take new pictures for the site.

Today we spent the first part of the afternoon out at Eagle's Wings for the fall festival. The boys loved being outside in the fresh air and I loved taking pictures.

So there you have it. Our latest way to serve our God that has been so good to us.

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