Saturday, September 20

Home Opener

Today was the debut of the Leafhoppers! Z and his teammates played their first game this morning at 11:30. It was as expected...painful.

For those that may not have noticed, Z is a slightly competitive child. (He doesn't get it from me!) If he feels someone is faster than him or takes the ball away...he cries. Plain and simple. So as you can probably imagine we had a rough game this morning. It's something I was prepared for and am struggling with immensely. No one said parenting was easy. I have to remind myself that he is 4 and we are learning. How I respond to him is a big lesson in itself. My friend, K, walked over to check on me and all I said was, "Can you hear my prayer for patience and understanding? I'm screaming it in my head."

On a happier note, Z did score a goal (Thank God!) but that is not as important as having fun. Right?! Right.
Any feedback or suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

1 comment:

Russell said...

Z is still a little guy, no matter how hard he tries to convince you that he's a "bigger" (as E used to say)--you're doing a good job being patient with him and teaching him how he'll be able to deal with competition when he's older. It sounds like he's just as frustrated as you are--even if it seems to you that he has no reason to b, that's still how he feels! It will get easier. Now, sometimes, E just says he doesn't want to play if it's not a guaranteed win.
Hang in there,