Sunday, September 28

Full of Fun!

We have had a crazy busy weekend again, but that is standard these days. :) Thursday night PawPaw and Uncle Joe arrived. The boys went NUTS!! Both Z and A adore their grandpa and uncle so a visit from them is like a visit from Santa.

Friday morning Z went off to school - not quite kicking and screaming, but pretty close to it. The rest of us made a trip to the Co-op for some UT gear because we really don't have enough of that around here. Then we ate at Uncle Joe's favorite place - Hula Hut. By that time we had to get Z from preschool.

Friday night we went to the Lake Travis football game so that the big boys could see some of the UT commits play. I was just as excited as they were to see some of the new recruits. OK. Not really, but it was still fun to sit next to the high school band during a football game. Ahhh...memories.

Saturday morning the Leafhoppers took on the June Bugs. Don't know the score, but Z did score two goals. We had a better game and with time I know it will be very comfortable for him. Poor little guy! They only had 4 players and 3 have to be on the field. I'll let you do the math. That afternoon he took a nap without any issues. :)

The big boys took off for the UT vs. Arkansas game with Z's new friend, Vinnie. Since we had a sitter I got to spend time with my old friend, Jo. Sooo nice to have a peaceful lunch, get pedicures and roam the mall. Love having her in town!

This morning Z started Sunday school with Connor. Again, not thrilled, but got over it. When I picked him up after church and asked how it was he said, "GREAT!" Uh-huh. Not the feeling I got from him when I dropped him off, but I'll take it. We're going to stick with it this year. It's good for him and it's only an hour!!

Later today we have another soccer game and then I think we all may be in bed by 6 p.m. out of sheer exhaustion! You know you've had a good day when you wake the next morning and your blankets look like you didn't move all night!! :)

Pictures to come later...

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