Tuesday, August 12


Z is growing so fast these days that many times I've found myself at a loss for what to do. It seems as though I've blinked and he's already on to the next big step. I'm a teacher at heart and know that without trying I've been teaching him things along the way. I've always been a "mini lesson" kind of person. Don't give me the thesis version, just tell me in a sentence or two. That's what I've done with him.

The past few weeks he's been identifying words that I had no idea he knew! Many days when he should be napping I walk in to find he's asleep with the books scattered all over his floor or on his bed. I can't be upset with him because I've tried to cultivate a love for books since he was tiny. Now I'm realizing that he has actually been getting something from his "reading/nap time". Big duh! I used to have my students sit with books even if they just looked at them I knew they were getting something from it. Here is Z doing the same thing but I haven't given him any credit because in my mind "he's only 4!"

At lunch today I was hit with the realization again. He wanted the Munchies chips. He brings the bag over and asks if we can open them and points to each logo saying, "I like these because they have Cheetos, Doritos...Mama, what's this?" I said, "I dunno, what do you think?" He looks and says, "Rrrrold, Gold?" Oh my gosh! "Yes, you got it!" Then he starts over, "Cheetos, Doritos, Rold Gold and Sun Chips."

Just a minute ago he was looking at a brochure in the Hullabaloo game. He told me he wants the Cariboo game because it's "for ages 3 and up". I pointed to the price and asked him if he has $14.95. He thought about it and said, "No, but you do. Well actually, Daddy does." As I sat there laughing on the inside he said, " I have an idea! You can sit there and I'll clean everything in the whole house. Then we can get the game!" Hmmm....

Here's my next question and it goes off a conversation I had with a friend last night. How do you know when your child is ready for an allowance and regular chores? I know he can handle the chores, I just have to put them into action. Again, soooo not prepared for this!!!

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