Saturday, August 9

A Sip N See for Sweet Baby B

"Friends come and go". That's what my mom used to tell me when I was growing up. It's true. Unless you have a very dear friend that you are so connected to it doesn't matter how much time passes, you can pick up right where you left off.

This is the case with Jennifer. She entered my life when I was finishing college. My student teaching supervisor told me to call her because she had graduated the year before me and was just finishing her first year in the real teaching world. I did call her and I went to visit her classroom. A month later I had a job in the same school, but on the second grade team. She helped me get my first job and I'll never forget that. Then it turned out that she lived in the same apartment complex - didn't know that when we moved in and just happened to discover it later. She eventually switched to second grade and we were able to teach on the same team together, such a great experience! We've seen each other through ups and downs, always there for each other no matter what. Besides my sister, she's probably the only one that knows me just as well.

So my friend of 9 years had another baby and he is PRECIOUS! Brendan joined their family back in May. Missy and I hosted a Sip N See at my house. We invited the Naumann staff because Jennifer and Russell will be leaving to teach at a new school this coming fall and would probably otherwise never meet little Brendan. It was sooo much fun! The staff was such a big part of my life for 4 years so it was really great to see familiar faces and catch up with them as well. I replayed the morning in my head the rest of the day because I had such a great time.

So here is Mr. Brendan. Besides the fact that he is so cute, he is warm and squishy just like a baby should be. And he has the cutest hair!! Makes me want to kiss him all over, but that might be a little weird since he's not mine. ;)

And my dear friend, Jennifer. I hope to be a great mom like her when I grow up.

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