Friday, August 8

Seeing Stipes

Where have I been you ask? Why haven't I blogged in almost a week? Well let me tell you what I've been up to.

Months ago I decided A's room looked really pathetic. Z's room is painted and decorated and looking all cute and put together. A's room was not. So I found some bedding - got a great deal and then fell flat on my face. I couldn't visualize how to make it look cute! In comes my hero, Julie. She's helped me with my house and made it look more put together. I asked her what to do with A's room and we've been working on it in steps. She told me what colors to paint the walls a few months back and off I went. Well the final step had yet to be done and I was determined to get it done before this Saturday. (More on that in another post) So Friday night, August 1st, I started on the final step. STRIPES! How hard can it be?! I'm pretty artsy, I can handle a paint brush. Just tell me what to do and I'm off, right? Right....sort of. HOLY CRAP! Julie said it would be tedious and take some time. I didn't think it would take 6 days of time!!!! It's a total process and had I not been so stubborn and trying to finish it in a certain amount of time I would have enjoyed it more. But by day 4 I was so ready to be done. M would walk in each day, look around the room, shake his head, mutter "You're crazy" and walk out of the room. Totally supportive. :)

Anyway, it's done, I can live my life and I must say I am really proud of it. Here it is for the world to see....this one deserves two large pictures on the blog! :)

Yup, stripes all the way around the room. Very even lines, very precise measuring, very seriously hard work.

I have to admit another little thing I've been doing. Remember those books I told you about? The Black Dagger Brotherhood series? Um. Yea. On book six now. Been forcing myself to sleep at 1 a.m. Paint until 11, read until 1. Can you say 'dark circles'?


Anonymous said...

So totally AWESOME! SO proud of you..that's what you call "determined". Good job. Mimi

Eric and Kristen said...

Love it!!