Wednesday, August 27


This morning I had my usual 7:30 wake up call of two boys jumping into bed with me. Although today I was not able to enjoy the snuggle time. We had to get off to school!

Z was a little teary last night about starting school but there wasn't a sign of that today. He was excited about his NEW backpack and lunchbox. Who doesn't love the first day of school!?!

Over the summer Z's preschool expanded. He is in one of the NEW classrooms. How lucky is that?!

And here is his NEW teacher, Mrs. Garcia. We met her last Friday morning and I left feeling sooo great about her. She grew up with 3 brothers and is a mommy to 4 boys. (Z will not be able to throw anything at her that she hasn't already seen.) She used to teach elementary school and loved teaching 2nd grade. Here's the other cool part: Two of her 4 boys are named Z and A. Just doesn't get any better than that!!

When I picked Z up from school he had a great day! He said his teachers are nice and his favorite part was playing Perfection. :)

1 comment:

twiceasnice said...

Gotta love the new outfit to go with the backpack, lunch box...did he have some new shoes too! He is so big....Glad your day went great until least you didn't have to cook...even though it took so long! LOL on Z and his comments! Way to go Z on going off to year Kindergarten!