Saturday, July 26

A Morning Minus Daddy

M took off early to do a "Manly Service Project" with a couple of our friends. So the boys and I had the day to ourselves. I had to dig deep for something fun to do. Earlier in the week we drove by Krispy Kreme and Z made his wants very clear. Last night as I put the boys to bed I told them that I had a surprise for them in the morning.

After a healthy breakfast that included eggs, I dressed the boys and we took off on our surprise adventure. Several questions later they figured out that I wasn't going to tell them where we were going...they just had to wait. As the car slowed near the entrance to Krispy Kreme I thought Z was going to wet his shorts with excitement. "MAMA!!! Are we going to the doughnut store?" "Maaaayybe." "Oh Mama! Pleeeze! I really want doughnuts!" I pulled into a parking spot, turned to the boys and said, "SURPRISE!! Who wants a doughnut?!?"

We could barely get into the store fast enough. I think the boys left fingerprints and breath marks over every inch of the store. I pulled out the camera the minute we were all settled. I got this from Z...
When I asked him why the grumpy face he said, "Because that's enough pictures." HA! Poor kid always has the camera in his face.

Then I realized that A has been playing us like a fiddle. Take a look at this...

He seems to be handling his doughnut very well, right? The stinker won't eat pizza unless we cut it into little bite size squares for him. Um. Can you say, "Suckers"?
Then we took off to the Arboretum. Mama needed the next book in the series she's reading - I'm addicted. Then we went to look at the waterfall and cows. Z climbed up on this one and as you can tell A loved sitting for the picture.

I always try to post my "good" pictures. I just want you all to know that they don't always turn out the way I picture them in my mind.

Overall it was a really fun morning. The car was silent on the way home - always a sign of a good time.

*And for those that are curious about the books I'm reading. They are The Black Dagger Brotherhood series by J.R. Ward. I've been reading them for a week and a half now and I'll start the 4th book tonight. Hence the dark circles under my eyes. Reading until 1 am every night will do that to a girl.

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